During 2022, we were invited to be a part of the U-Report Guatemala Committee along with other organizations that, from different areas, carry out actions in favor of Guatemalan youth and teenagers.

As part of this alliance and within the framework of the “World Science Day for Peace and Development”, together with U-Report Guatemala we launched the survey “I see, imagine, and create a better world” to find out the opinion of young people and teenagers from all over the country regarding their educational experience during the 2022 school year. In addition, the survey included specific questions aimed at measuring student satisfaction and motivation regarding pedagogical methodologies and the level of access and interest they have had for studying the STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.)
More than 100 young people and teenagers from different departments of the country shared their opinion in this survey, making clear their desire to express how they feel about the type of education they have received, as well as their interest in experimenting with new ways of learning that motivate them to continue with their studies.
Download the Survey Results (PDF, 1MB) * Only available in Spanish.
All people of all ages deserve to receive education of quality.
With the arrival of the pandemic, the enormous gap that exists in access to technology and the deficiency in the development of skills for its proper use have become more evident in the case of students, as well as for professors, and parents. Added to this lack of skills for the adoption of technologies in the educational area is the scant encouragement to develop students’ critical reasoning and scientific thinking, which limits their autonomy and ability to make the most of the new tools to which they have access.
It is essential to address this problem from new perspectives, by incorporating innovative methodologies into the study plans to encourage participation and experimentation to motivate young people and teenagers to continue their studies by encouraging them to discover the various areas in which they can apply their knowledge in the future.
With the accompaniment of Kaleidoscopios in the implementation of the “Science in Our School” initiative, we have verified that the play workshops approach, focused on learning the STEAM areas, are an attractive, effective, and necessary methodology; both to awaken the interest of children and young people in these sciences and to encourage their school attendance, as well as for the development of other skills that strengthen their critical thinking and scientific curiosity.

Contributing in creating a better world
Every November 10th, the UN urges us to commemorate the “World Science Day for Peace and Development” with the purpose of renewing the commitment, both national and international, in favor of science for peace and development, and to emphasize the responsible use of science for the benefit of societies and, in particular, for the eradication of poverty and in favor of human security.
Among the specific goals for this commemoration are:
- Bring science closer to society so that individuals have the necessary knowledge and, in this way, be able to choose their professional, personal and political options.
- Recognizing that everyone is entitled to participate in and benefit from science will help to facilitate a dialogue to improve access to science and its benefits for sustainable development.
In Yo’o Guatemala we are contributing, not only to achieve these goals but also to bring better opportunities for girls and boys in the rural area.
- We encourage scientific curiosity and critical reasoning in students from an early age.
- We encourage school permanence by including the development of scientific projects that are implemented through playful, challenging, creative and innovative activities.
- We make the importance of innovation in the educational system visible to awaken the interest of adolescents and young people towards the study of STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).
Qa Tzoleb’aal (“Our School”)
Since January 2021 at the Lic. Bernardo Lemus Mendoza Library’s facilities we provide a safe space for students who receive classes in distance learning institutions from elementary to high school. In addition to the computer equipment, our students receive nutritious school snacks daily, which are prepared by family mothers, who offer their time as community volunteers. In “Our School” we also have tutors who accompany students of all levels in person to guide and reinforce their learning process in a personalized way.
Sponsor a scholarship
Through scholarships, we can provide this access to quality education for the girls and boys of Purulhá, Baja Verapaz, who live in conditions of vulnerability and poverty.
Purulhá is one of the municipalities with the highest rates of illiteracy and malnutrition in the country, which is why our efforts are focused on giving quality education and comprehensive care to children and youth who mostly belong to the Q’eqchi’ and Poqomchi’ ethnic groups.
Our work is characterized by the dedication we seek in accompanying the most vulnerable populations with respect and cultural relevance, dignifying their lives, recognizing and strengthening their own leadership, skills, and abilities.
Join today!
You can sponsor a full scholarship for US$20.00 a month, or contribute with the amount that’s within your reach. All contributions are welcome and help us enormously to guarantee the continuity of our work!
To confirm your commitment to sponsorship, we ask you to complete some general information in the form that you will find at the following link: Sponsorship commitment. Your information will be treated with strict confidentiality and is collected exclusively for purposes of budget planning, transparency and accountability of the Yo’o Guatemala Civil Association.

This article was translated by a team of volunteers of Yo’o Guatemala. Thank you, Rebeca, Ulises, Monse and Gaudy! 💚