Now, you can help us, while shopping.
Visit smile.amazon.com and select Yo o Inc as your preferred charity.
For every eligible purchase that you make, either using AmazonSmile webpage or the Amazon’s mobile app with the option AmazonSmile activated, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Yo’o Guatemala.
To make this happen, you should select “Yo o Inc” as your preferred charitable organization.
How to use it from your computer
- Visit AmazonSmile at smile.amazon.com
- Log in with your Amazon account.
- Select “Yo O Inc” from the organizations’ list.
- You’re ready! From now on, every time you shop an eligible product in smile.amazon.com, you will be supporting our work.
How to turn on AmazonSmile in the mobile app
AmazonSmile is available within the Amazon Shopping app for Android and iOS (iPhone).
- Open the Amazon Shopping app.
- Go to the section “Programs and characteristics”
- At the end you will find the “Settings” option. Open the menu and select AmazonSmile.
- Push the button “Activate AmazonSmile” and follow the activation’s instructions.

⚠️ Important: In the mobile app, Amazon will deactivate the AmazonSmile option twice a year, so you should keep in mind your next renewal date and repeat the process to activate AmazonSmile again in your mobile phone to continue supporting us.
What is AmazonSmile?
It is a way to support your favorite charity with every eligible AmazonSmile purchase from your phone or web browser, without extra charge for you. In AmazonSmile you will find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping as the Amazon you know; in addition, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to your favorite charity when you shop.
If you want to know other options to donate from where you live, visit the section “Donate”.
What is Yo o Inc?

Yo’o Inc. is registered in the USA since 2014 as a nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3). Thanks to Yo’o Inc., Yo’o Guatemala can receive donations from around the world.